It's musical - thats what it is. You'd have to understand to understand, cuz if you dont understand, then you wont understand. An open mind helps. Prejudice dosen't help. Google might come in handy. Urban dictionary probably more than should be needed. Banter, banter, banter, subliminal shots, sarcasm,
The standards set were too high - unattainable and unrealistic some complained - out of this world some said - foolish and stupid they said - naivety was the conclusion. Or was it just a fear of the possibility of achievement of set standards and therefore a non-conforming mindset - OUTCAST?hmmm??
#nowplaying Tupac - Unconditional Love
"its hard to live this life without God, so we must ask for forgiveness"
i believe - I know some are shocked cuz I dont go on about it - but yep - staunch Catholic here..
"perhaps its just a fantasy"
like U2 sang "stuck in a moment, that you cant get out of"..and not necessarily because you cant get out of it - but because it is the best moment you have ever experienced and you dont want to get out of it...
"You must remember that tomorrow comes after the dark"
For you will always be in my heart. It's Unconditional Love. Sometimes it seems as if it cant possibly get any worse - and it does - and then it seems like its the end of the world...until that lil glimmer of light shines through the crack..like a rose growing from a crack in the concrete..
"Eternally my mission is to be more than just a rap musician"
brings back that whole catch 22 notion - nothing ever turns out how we want it to..and we play the cards we're dealt. Cant always get a royal flush now can we. Make the best of the things we have.
#nowplaying "touched The Sky - Dennis Ferrer"
I touched the sky because of you. If she/he makes you feel ike you touched the sky - like Impossible is nothing....she's/he's a keeper..oh, and if "she" loves football, or at least watches it with you..a keeper (lol)..i had to say that..
#nowplaying MeatLoaf - I Would do anything for Love
..but I wont do that..and that's give up...
So my obsession with music continues - from Saosin down to Bob Marley..faithless to Tupac..Kenny G to Scooter..every bit of music made. Why? Because music is the universal language (forget football)...and wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you meet - they can understand some form of music - so if you cant express yourself - but are musically endowed, then it can make things easier..
Impossible is nothing!
If music be the food of love - play on! If music be the food of LIFE, make more....
music for thought - Just to Be Different - Joe Budden.
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