It's been a minute. There been changes, encounters, experiences, thoughts, ideas, actions, time wasted - but life goes on.
Anyway - been reading about and came across a few interesting topics on the complexity of humanity. Ok - i made that up lol..just wanted an opening line.
Truth though - life's one complex cycle (yep - it is a cycle - you enter the world in diapers and leave in diapers). The problem is we trying to simplify it ( set rules/conform) and not embrace the complexities as an epic journey of experiences, trials and tribulations - write a book about it encounters - and ultimately the one encounter that defines the rest of our forever - the life changing encounter.
This whole pro (this and that) bullshit is based on a certain trend of conformity, and trying to define existence - making everyone live life through the eyes, opinions and ideas of one "thinker", "King", "philosopher", "writer"..when anyone can sit down, write a book and logically explain their points - with non-existent facts with enough reasonable doublt to make them believable..and who knows. maybe society 120years from now will be based on those principles.
What happened to "we are all different. Every person is unique" blah blah. Are our lives already predefined that we need to follow a certain process/procedure to get to where we need to be? It dont help with society changing and adopting to shallow, dumb and senseless standards.
Of course we want change - but what kind of change. Kerry or Obama change - there's a difference there. Sometimes we need to filter whats acceptable and what trailer trash.
I read a few pro-"women independence" blogs - based on the sole purpose of uttering a few not so positive remarks on today's man. What a bunch of bull. Im sorry to say - but just because you have had bad experiences dudes - probably because of you taste/bad choice/poor standards...- it dont make it right to diss everyone - and yet when you called the B word - its "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". There's a cool trend on the bad boys/naughty boys - and once the lil gals are done with this and want to settle - they wonder why they keep attracting the same type'o folk. We been watching - and the good folk would rather stay away from the trailer trash that dissed em and ran with the rowdy bunch...cuz twas cool.
What happened to being the one lady who never had to go through a bunch of rowdy lil boys, lost in a world of physical atrocities with no morals..
Ok - Im ranting now..so I'll stop...for now...
Lets promote individuality. You are your own person.
(written in bed of the top of my head so bear wit me - grammar and all :-) )
At 1:57am!!' U must have been so annoyed lol