Remember Uncle Joe and good ol Aunt Sheila
Way back in 04 when i was a mofo
Tony brushed shoulders with Joe on Solomons' dancefloor
thirty years Tonys senior but eyes on the same gal
Who won - obvious, Joe's car cost 3 times Tony's.
Had dude's lil gal asking "Who's Tony?"
Word : my nucca Tony tony couldnt take this
"i Love her tj" he said " what imma do"
Im thinking "Gawd Damn Joe, you did it again"
Aunt Sheila, she knows, she forgive him again
Been too many weeks since Sheila's "lil friend" came to town
Routine check at the doctors, She pregnant again :
But wait
Doctor Silas aint smiling like before,
Gosh, thats a frown, whats wrong this time
"Sheila dear, we need to do more blood tests"
"white blood cell count low, Im sorry it aint looking good"
A bit later its confirmed its HIV
"In a few more months it'll be full blown AIDS, Im sorry" as aunt Sheila wept
Uncle Joe is quiet, knows its his fault
"Lucky Tony" I thought - when the news came in
Damn, Aunt Sheila, Im sorry, but am lost for words
Tears trickling down her face
My Phat Farm t her napkin
No words came out, i just held her tight
"Lets say a prayer" I said " God aint blind"
"You good people aunt, I cant accept this - this aint the end"
"Charisma" group meetings on Fridays at church
Uncle Joe - he coming with us
Good Lawd, HIV brings you back down to Earth
Father Gabriel prays - we do rosary everyday
They say, Father Pachibora is coming to town
Father P comes, and lays hands on Aunt and Uncle
Years pass, aunt and uncle still here and looking fit
A trip to the doctors, What, theres no more HIV
A happy family, we got everyone smiling again
Uncle Joe, is coming home late again
Damnit, this nucca be cheating again.,
Running around town - yes He lying again
The HIV is back again
At least this time Sheila had him strapping it in
Joe had a 2nd shot and threw it down the drain
Good folk still meeting
Prayers on everyday
But Father P aint coming again
"I gave you another chance, and u wasted it away" God said
"You cant throw away the gift of life
nucca you take it or leave it"
So Uncle Joe's no-more
another relative gone, another tatoo,
another name sprayed on the car back window for a month
Another family shattered in tears
another night on my knees and another name added to my prayers
Another name chanted when we pour out the liquor..
Rest In Peace.

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