"Have you ever fallen for someone out of your league?" "Have you watched The Obama Deception?" "Oh Eminem..." "Chrome Operating System!" "King Lebron - what happened?" "Will this be Liverpool's season?" "This could work." Microsoft bing." "Please let it work." "I'm sorry." These are all words/phrases/questions that have either been passed on to me or have been going through my head in the past few days. Questions, doubts, regrets, hopes, worries, what if's. What If? If only. Damn!

"I am finally coming to accept that I was a temporary inhabitant , there as a favour, like someone who finds himself in a beautiful mansion, eating exquisite food, aware that this is only a party, that the mansion belongs to someone else, that the food was bought by someone else, that the time will come when the lights will go out, the owners will go to bed, the servants will return to their quarters, the door will close, and he'll be out on in the street again, waiting for a taxi or a bus to restore him to the mediocrity of his everyday life...I'm going back, rather part of me is going back to the world where only what we can see, touch and explain makes sense...."Heron Ryan. Paulo Coelho's "The Witch of Portobello".
Do we set ourselves up for disappointed. Do we guarantee our own disappointments? Day in day out we are faced by situations that need decisions to be made. Expectations to be set.. How do we set ourselves for disappointment, hurt, guarantee our own failure?
Dating :
Date/try and date/fall for someone out of your league and therefore will never see you in the same way, wishful thinking?
Try the long distance thing, believe the long distance thing will work, fall for someone far far away?
Date/Fall for someone of different race/religion, thus different beliefs, constant arguing and fighting, or just wishful thinking?
Goals and Objectives:
Believe Cleveland can win the championship (King Lebron anyone? - remember the Cleveland Curse?)
career choice - take on what we cannot manage, what is beyond our capabilities or what we do not love..all for the love of money or status - save face..pride?
Arsenal or Chelsea win the Champions League (lol - oops, had to take that shot..it was laid on a silver platter)
Standards and Expectation from relationships and friendships
"All you have is yourself. Nobody cares. Nobody. Can't trust no-one dude" - this statement was drilled into me so much if i had no character i'd be more lost than i am now.
Expecting truth honour and honesty from all relationships - apparently that's of a bygone era.
Expecting total commitment - seeing as everyone got pride and is scared of being hurt, there's always some form of holding back.
Unquestioning trust - do we really trust or do we constantly need proof?
have you watched The Obama Deception? he aint no saviour. Disappointed - but this one instance I can say I set myself up..how could i possibly expect him to bring any change..seriously?
The Coalition Goverment in Zimbabwe - like there would be any progress with Mugabe involved..smh
Ahmadinejad - one moment he speaks sense - the next he seems confused..
Movies and Music
The taking of Pelham 123 had Denzel and Travolta - disappointing.
Eminem's Relapse..dude..come on. Enough with the wierd voice..only works with a few tracks.
So do we need to lower our standards..or expectations? Do we need to give up the fight and accept mediocrity as fate - the road we were destined to take.
Do we believe Impossible is nothing and that we create our own destiny. Go through the disappointments and hurt, syke up and get over it, and believe. Fight for it?
Do we dare stop dreaming and quit, give up hope and accept less than our set standards..less than we are willing to give?