Sometimes it's worth a shot - sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it burns - sometimes its too cold. Sometimes it hurts - sometimes it's too good to be true. Sometimes it seems like you've finally got to the point where you want to be - till you get to the point where you're meant to be.
Everyday there's a new path, a new road, totally oblivious to your "plan". We sit down and decide after this, then that - but after this - that is never part of the options. It's always if's and when. The notion that one day it'll work out and be like we want it to be is nothing but a facade - a dream that keeps us from being miserable facing reality.
However - the earlier we face reality - the earlier we can achieve true happiness. There is blind conformity and acceptance of living a dream - or facing reality and achieving happiness through the simplest of thigs - the fact that few if any of our dreams ever come true - we gotta live with what we have, accpet reality, and find a way to achieve happiness from the cards we're played. Life is what you make it - after you accpet what it makes you to be.
It's a catch 22 - either you lose or you lose. Gotta find a way to achieve joy through the losses.
And smile. It wont kill you. Whatever you going through - it could be worse.